Have a go at baking some ANZAC biscuits, to commemorate ANZAC Day - see what happens when you use different recipes to make the same biscuit.
Changing various ingredients in a standard recipe creates different results. A recipe with more brown sugar will give you a thicker, more chewy biscuit, while white sugar creates a thinner, crispier biscuit. Cooking temperature will also change your biscuits - higher temps will generally give a flatter biscuit, and a lower temperature results in less spread.
Check out some recipes online, or watch this video, and have a go at the recipe Mrs V makes each year. Prefer a traditional, crisp biscuit? Maybe try this recipe . . .
Let’s see your biscuit creations! Share a pic of your ANZAC biscuits here, and include the recipe you used, so we can compare the final product.
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