Te Puāwaitanga - Matariki Pukapuka Mahi / Matariki Activity Book

Matariki: about the Māori New Year and how to celebrate it in 2019 ...

Learn about Matariki, the Māori New Year, with this great activity book from Te Papa. 


1. If you have a printer at home you can print the PDF below and complete the activities.
2. If you don't have a printer then you can copy the slides below and complete on slides. 
3. You can also copy out / draw the activities on paper at home. 

1. Open the slides here.
2. Go to File. Make a copy of the slides for you to edit. 
3. Look at the notes on each slide to see how to complete these activities on slides.
Share what you have learnt with your whānau. Play Mū Tōrere together. You could also make a copy of the wordsearch or crossword for your whānau to complete. You can share your Matariki learning at home here.

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