Get Moving - Stories Brought to Life


Recreating a story through movement including dance, gymnastics and other sports - This can be a freeze frame or skit. 


Create a 'freeze frame' or a skit from a story book. Simply take a story you know and have read and recreate a scene from that story. Try to be as original and creative as you can. You can chooise to tell people what your story is, or try and let other people guess!

HOW - Success Criteria

  • Think of a story that you can re-create 

  • Use movement through a variety of ways, you could be sitting, jumping, running, throwing, balancing ( range of movement skills

  • You may need narrating, sound or silence  in the background, 

  • You may want to use props, facial expressions

Some examples of texts and links

Going on a bear hunt

The wild things

Titles from Anthony Brown

Voices in The Park


Upload your 'Stories Brought to Life' to the Padlet below.  Don't forget to share some aroha and tell others what you think of their work!  

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