Hauora @ Home - Taha wairua: Sensory Walk


What? Use your five senses to explore a local nature space with your whānau. 

How? One way of connecting with our taha wairua is by practising mindfulness in nature. We can use our five senses to be mindful and create an inner sense of calm and connection. 

Using your nature journal or on a piece of paper, draw or write the five sense down the left hand side of the page. Then, go on a nature walk with your whānau and see what things you notice. Get creative with how you record these! 

Reflect: Share your noticings with your whānau. Did they whānau notice the same or different things as you?

How did you feel before the sensory walk? How do you feel after it?

What other ways could you practice mindfulness during your day?

Share: Share a photo of you and your whānau on your sensory walk or a photo of your recordings. Remember to write your name and hub on your post.

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